
Workshop aids

Facilitators can use different tools when working with participants in a workshop or meeting. While lectures are not really the best way to get participants engaged, a short presentation can help share some ideas, or start a discussion. A short PowerPoint presentation can help.

The following sets of slides all cover a specific subject or step. Reproduction and use is encouraged under the terms of the Creative Commons License, provided that approproate acknowledgement is made of CTA’s copyright. (Please note that each one is approximately 10 MB)

The CTA project also prepared a set of three presentations for a training-of-trainers sessions. What to focus on when discussing how to facilitate a capitalziation process?

© 2018, CTA. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation

CTA is a joint institution operating under the framework of the Cotonou Agreement between the ACP Group of States (Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific) and the EU Member States (European Union). CTA is funded by the European Union.